The Long-Covid Doctors for Action group have now issued their press release.
I think you will agree that this is a powerful piece. All credit to Dr Kelly Fearnley and colleague Dr Jonathan Fluxman (Doctors in Unite) who have worked tirelessly to get this campaign off the ground, despite many obstacles that have been put in their way.
There is also an article in the BMJ
We in the Covid Airborne Transmission Alliance (CATA) are providing such support to Dr Fearnley and the lawyers (Bond Turner) as they may need.
Please note that, although this action has been initiated by doctors in the first instance, it is not limited to doctors. Nurses, midwives, and any other healthcare workers who are suffering with Long Covid which they believe they contracted through their work and who wish to join the class action should visit the Bond Turner website here:
Please also note that Bond Turner are only representing HCWs in England and Wales.
Due to differences in Scottish Law another law firm has been instructed (Jackson Boyd). Scottish HCWs will find a that link to the Jackson Boyd website is given on the Bond Turner page.
Our colleague, Dr Macdermott (member of CATA) was interviewed on this morning’s BBC Woman’s Hour – a very persuasive and eloquent discourse! Her interview can be heard at this link: The interview starts at 02:40 and lasts for 15 minutes.
Please feel free to spread this information within your networks.