The Supporting Healthcare Heroes UK (SHH-UK) team are aware that many healthcare workers with Long Covid feel isolated and benefit greatly from online communication with others in similar situations. Several Facebook groups supporting healthcare workers with Long Covid exist. Details about these can be found on here. However, we are aware that face to face online meetings play an important part in helping healthcare workers with Long Covid feel less isolated. Given this, we have pulled together details of some of the online meetings available. We also provide some initial details of a support group for those with cognitive dysfunction that we will be running later this year.

If you are a member of the Long Covid Support Facebook group you have access to several online support groups:



Recent research indicates that:

“More than half of long covid patients experienced OI [orthostatic intolerance] symptoms during NLT [National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lean Test] and more than one in ten patients met the criteria for either PoTS [postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome] or OH [orthostatic hypotension], half of whom did not report previous typical OI symptoms.”

Despite this many of those living with Long Covid are unable to access support for this. PoTS UK run online peer support groups throughout the month. These groups are the perfect opportunity to meet with others and talk to those who understand what PoTS sufferers are going through. They are run by volunteers who either have PoTS or are affected by PoTS.

These groups are run geographically but all (over 18) are welcome to attend every group if a particular time suits people better. PoTs UK also run a monthly group for under 18’s, Newly Diagnosed/Awaiting Diagnosis, an Afternoon Group, A Men Only Group and a Parents and Carers Group. They try and run a monthly topic group to meet the demand of other issues and are always open to suggestions. People can register for these groups through the PoTs UK website –


Cognitive Dysfunction Group

Coming soon. Many people with Long Covid experience cognitive dysfunction often referred to as brain fog. Despite this, there is very little support available to cope with this. To ensure healthcare workers in this situation feel less isolated SHH-UK are in the process of setting up a support group for healthcare workers with Long Covid who are experiencing cognitive dysfunction. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for more information.


If you are aware of other support groups appropriate for healthcare workers with Long Covid please let us know at:

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