Post-acute COVID-19 complications in UK doctors: results of a cross-sectional survey

A recent study (11/12/23) published by Oxford Academic aimed to determine the symptoms, causes, impacts, and needs related to post-acute COVID complications in UK doctors. 795 UK doctors with self-identified long COVID responded to an online survey. 603 respondents met the criteria of experiencing one or more long COVID symptoms.

28% reported a lack of adequate protective equipment when they contracted COVID-19 initially. 18% of eligible respondents had been unable to return to work since acquiring COVID-19. This indicates long COVID has been a substantial burden. Insufficient respiratory protection was identified as a potential contributor to long COVID in these doctors, with many contracting COVID-19 occupationally at work.

Although too late to address protection issues for those with long COVID now, more investment is needed in rehabilitating and supporting afflicted doctors.

In conclusion, long COVID has significantly impacted many UK doctors, both health-wise and occupationally. Lack of respiratory protection may have contributed to work-acquired infections. More support is warranted for doctors suffering long term effects.

The full report (behind a paywall) is available here.

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