About us

Supporting Healthcare Heros UK (SHH-UK) is a charity dedicated to all healthcare workers (HCWs) adversely affected by Long-COVID by providing advice and support.

Our vision and aims

Our charitable objectives

Our Trustees

Our vision

A future where UK healthcare workers (HCWs) living with Long Covid receive support and relief from financial hardship or isolation.

Our Aims

  • Reduce financial hardship caused by Long Covid
  • Relieve isolation and ensure HCWs living with Long Covid have a voice.
  • Disseminate research and raise awareness of Long Covid
  • Support and advocate for HCWs living with Long Covid
  • Advocate for improvements in indoor air quality in healthcare settings

Our Charitable Objectives

Meet our Trustees

Dr Alison Twycross
Chair and Founder
Michaela Barnard
Brian Hughes
Gerry Bolger
Adam Williams
Eleanor Bowen-Jones
Muzz Muzzammil
Honorary Treasurer

To read more about our legal and governance go to our governance page