Please find specialist contributor blogs from guests and experts in Long Covid
Blogs by Dr Jenny Coelta Smith

Diving into Long Covid advocacy in 2020 as a novice and saving myself from drowning in 2024… Part 3 I’m still not an expert advocate

Diving into Long Covid advocacy in 2020 as a novice and saving myself from drowning in 2024… Part 2 The high and low tides of advocating

Diving into Long Covid advocacy in 2020 as a novice and saving myself from drowning in 2024… Part 1 The journey
Blogs by Roger Klein
Blogs by Dr Yvonne T Curran

I still have no regerts… (sic) part 2

I have no regerts (sic) (part 1)
Decreasing your risk of being infected with Covid: Non pharmacological interventions

As a pedestrian…

They don’t even speak the same language

Now, when you say droplets, you realise you mean inhalation…

Confession: I’ve never liked hand hygiene day!

We need to change the system!

A tale of 2 tweets: 1 of which must include erroneous assumptions of safety

The 4th Mode of Nosocomial Transmission – Airborne Dissemination

“If you don’t tell people the truth about COVID, how can you expect people to make good judgements about risk.” Kernow Jones

Part 2 – Prove to me it’s airborne – well it’s the aerosol scientists that have done that…

Droplet evidence – unavailable, unproven and unpublished (part 1)

Patient Healthcare Worker and Visitor Safety during an outbreak (and a begging bowl)