The pandemic – questions around Government governance: a blog from David Osborn

My last blog, “Forgotten heroes” – the sequel, built upon a very moving BBC Panorama programme Forgotten heroes of the Covid front line. The BBC documentary told the sad story of healthcare workers (HCWs) who had bravely and knowingly put themselves in harm’s way to care for their patients during the darkest days of the pandemic. Many lost their lives, while many more were rendered so severely injured by the disease (Long Covid) that they were (and remain) unable to work and have been unceremoniously sacked by their NHS Health Trusts/Boards.


The way that an organisation manages its activities is known as ‘governance’. Good governance will lead to high standards of ethics, morality, care and compassion for the people who work within it and those who may be affected by its acts and omissions. Hence, when applied to a whole country, it is known as ‘Government’, its departments and agencies.

In this blog, I propose a possible hypothetical scenario that may have led to the tragic situation revealed by the BBC documentary. I hope this will lead you to consider the standards of ‘governance’ that apply to the ‘duty of care’ which a Government owes to its HCWs during a pandemic and what, morally and ethically, should be done to support those “forgotten heroes” if the Government’s governance should be found to be severely lacking.

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