This week’s blog is two poems by Becky Walls (@beckywa79046435) describing what it is can feel like living with Long Covid.

Where are you?

It’s the day you wake up and realise the old you has gone 

A life worth living seems so far away it’s unreachable

You look the same yet your completely changed, people you once loved now don’t know you or understand why you look exactly the same on the outside but inside your screaming in desperation, longing for a life that was once yours. 

Overnight the fight has begun to regain the independence that has cruelly been taken away. 

The pain is invisible yet seeps to the core of your being. The yearning for the end but there seems none in sight. 

You desperately look for a way out searching for answers to the unknown and there is no hope. 

In the depths of the despair you eventually realise this is a new you and the person you once were has gone and is never coming back.

As we continue to fight and build the new life we didn’t ask for, we continue the search for answers and longing for what once was.

The hidden war

The masks are all gone, the virus has been won

Off to work they go, with nothing to show

But time to reflect and no self neglect.

A time to stay home safe inside, but there was some people who weren’t able to hide.

Who cannot go back to the way life was before, who still remain behind a closed door.

The forgotten people who are still trying to survive, society wants to forget that they are alive. 

For these people who are left still to struggle on, it’s only the masks that are gone.

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